Jack Soeharyo Apps

DIY Nail Art Tutorial 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Nail art designs tutorial is a creative way to decorate nails. Itis a type of which can be done on fingernails and toenails. Itbecome commonly known beauty salons and it is considered as fashionactivity. You dont have to be a master artist to make yours looklike a masterpiece! Nail arts designs offers a way to express yourstyle, personality and creativity. Decorate your own nails at homeeasily and quickly with just a few simple tools and your own nailpolish. Nail art tutorial makes you look prominent and morebeautiful among your friends. So boost your creativity by adoptingthe suitable latest and fine nail art designs for You.
Baby Room Design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Are you setting up a nursery for your first baby, or planning a newto addition to the family? you've come to the right place. Fromcute to Nordic-inspired wallpaper Nurseries, if you're afterbeautiful baby room ideas. Not only teeny-tiny one bạn sẽ bespending lots of time trong room, but bạn too, than make sure it'sa space cả you'll love. Choose from over 85 Different pieces oflayout, color schemes and creative must-have accessories to createcủa perfect baby room.
Latest Abaya Design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Abaya, is the black robe-like dress that keeps the identity of theArabian women. What do you know about Abaya? Well, if we talkedabout the origins, some people think that it existed 4,000 yearsago in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia (which is now inIraq) and that when Islam arose, it embraced the idea of the bodycovering and veiling. In Jahiliya days, women way of dressing usedto reveal their necks, chests and other parts of their bodies. Theyalso used to draw their veils to the back. Accordingly, when Islamarrived, they were ordered to cover their bodies and hair in orderto protect themselves from the acts of disrespect. In pre-Islamurban centers, the women who were dressed in Abayas were seen asluxurious women from noble families who did not have to work. Theywere distinguished from maids and prostitutes, who were not allowedto cover their bodies. Many people wondered why the most commoncolor in Abayas is black? Well, the most probable answer is thatblack was a color that early women were able to easily create fromthe resources they had goats mainly and so black it was. Abayas nowcome in different styles and cuts making quite a fashion, they havepretty colors, embroidery and beautiful ornamentations.
Simple Tattoo Design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
If you are looking for the best eversmalltattoo art designs, then you are at the right place! Tattooissomething-which is now a day represents our social life,standard,Any Other identity That you wannabe portrays aboutyourself andabove all, it represents a person's attitude. Small isbeautifulbut small tattoos are ofter some of the most easy tattoodesigns.We have collected 85 best small tattoo designs for ourviewerwhere you can find Numerous styles and arts of your choice.Afterviewing These tattoos designs, You Can Easily make up yourmind assem Will suit best on your body.We have searched the internet in order to have better pictureofwhat we are talking about so That Can we bring the best resultforour site viewers. I am pretty sure That one of These 85TattooDesigns Will definitely suit your taste and choice and youWill BeAble to pick the best suited one for yourself to beautifyyourbody, especially in case, you are getting your first tattooBecauseafter all, this Will Reflect your overall persona.
Flower Crown Tutorial 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Whether you're in a wedding, going to a garden party or you justwant to celebrate spring and summer, a flower crown is a beautifulway to make the most of the season's fresh blossoms. It's a simpleproject that will add a lovely touch to any event. Buy or pick yourfavorite flowers and attach them to a wire base to make a gorgeous,one-of-a kind headpiece.
Winter Outfit Ideas 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
85 cute winter outfits for When You Have Nothing To Wear. Sick ofbeing late for school because you can't find anything to wear? Skipthe morning outfit struggle with these foolproof outfit combos.We’ve gathered some of the chicest winter outfit ideas from ourfavorite bloggers and street-style stars to get you inspired torock some serious cold-weather fashion. Cold-weather outfits can beboth stylish and practical — you just need to get a littlecreative.
Most Elegant Saree and Lehenga 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
A sari, saree, or shari is a female garment from the Indiansubcontinent that consists of a drape varying from five to nineyards (4.5 metres to 8 metres) in length and two to four feet (60cm to 1.20 m) in breadth that is typically wrapped around thewaist, with one end draped over the shoulder, baring the midriff.There are various styles of sari draping, the most common being theNivi style, which originated in Andhra Pradesh. The sari is usuallyworn over a petticoat (called 'parkar') in Marathi, lahaṅgā orlehenga in the north; pavadai in Tamil, pavada (or occasionallylanga) in Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu, chaniyo, parkar, ghaghra,or ghagaro in the west; and shaya in eastern India), with a fittedupper garment commonly called a blouse (ravike in South India andcholi elsewhere). The blouse has short sleeves and is usuallycropped at the midriff. The sari is associated with grace and iswidely regarded as a symbol of grace in cultures of the Indiansubcontinent. Saree also known as the national dress of India is afemale dress or garment. The material is about five to nine yardslong. It is the only un stitched garment that has been famous notjust in the subcontinent but also abroad.It represents few culturessuch as Bangladeshi, Indian and Sri Lankan. Saree is usually wornwith a blouse. It’s a short piece till the belly usually with halfsleeves.There are plenty ways how saree can be worn. Saree can bestyled in about 80 ways. Nivi style, Gujarati style, Kashta style,Bengali/Oriya style, Gond style, Malyali style, kunbi styleetc.Indian saree dresses and Pakistani saree dresses are veryfamous all over the world. Amongst all of them Nivi still remainsthe most popular style. Following are varieties of saree fabricsuch as Chanderi sari, Maheshwari sari, Dhokra silk etc.Theproduction of saree is still done with handlooms and power looms.In major cities it is all done in mills. With time colour optionsand fabric selection has expanded. Famous fabrics are Crepe, Satin,Charmeuse etc. New colours such as Pink, Orange, Brown, Yellow havebeen added to the palette It is an easy to wear garment. Saree’shave gained a lot of attention even in the west. Brides livingabroad also prefer wearing saree’s on their wedding day.Firstly itis important to choose a piece that fits you perfectly and suitsyour personality. There is a huge variety and variation in designs,prints, fabric, colour etc. Therefore one should know which type ofsaree will suit them the best.
Sketch of a minimalist home 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Still images minimalist house simple sketch may be you need if youwant to build a house is minimalist. sketch minimalist home isalways concentrated in home design are much sought after by thepublic at the end of this final. Beauty, simplicity and elegance ofthis design is one reason why home with this design are soughtafter by the public. Design that allows you to build a house with aspacious land that is not trlalu is usually very attractive to newfamilies who have not got many family members. However, ignoranceof this design, sometimes makes you not satisfied when the househas been established and is not in accordance with what you dream.For that careful thought in important: in this case. It helps youmake plans or sketches minimalist house you will wake up. HowCaraya? nah, on the application this time we will provideinformation about images and photos minimalist house simple sketch.Various sketches minimalist house is currently a trend among peoplewith professional and modern architecture can be found disni.Applications that can become a reference for your current home.Various architectural sketch minimalist home can be found here, avariety of modern and luxurious design that can be a reference foryour family dream home. The design is now a favorite of people allaround the world you can find in this application. Hopefully thisapp useful for those who download it. Reference Sketch MinimalistSimple The details are as follows: 1. Model floor plan for a housewith 2 bedrooms 2. Model floor plan for a house with 3 bedrooms 3.Model plans for the house in view SketchUp 4. Model floor plan fora house with 4 bedrooms 5. Model plans for the house type 45 6.Model plans for the house type 54 7. Model plans for the house type60
Aquascape Design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
When you’re creating an aquarium, the possibilities are limitless.Everything from bare-bottom tanks to densely planted Dutch tanksare perfectly valid styles. However, you’ll probably create a muchmore appealing result if you’re following a particular aquascapedesign. Here are the most common styles you’ll see in aquariums,and some examples of each -Dutch Style This style is characterizedby many different types of plants with multiple leaf types. It’scommonly seen with raised ‘layers’, or terraces, known as Dutch‘streets’. The floor is covered by either a carpet, or plants, withtaller plants lining the back of the tank. Most noticeably, itusually has no hardscape—you won’t see much, if any, stone ordriftwood in Dutch tanks. -Iwagumi Style This is one of the mostpopular aquascape designs today. It was first made popular by theFather of Modern Aquascaping, Takashi Amano, and is characterizedby a series of stones arranged according to the Golden Ratio, orRule of Thirds. There should always be an odd number of stones toprevent the layout from ‘balancing’, since the human eye alwaystries to see a ‘split’ in balanced layouts. There are at leastthree stones: a larger ‘Father’ stone, and at least two secondarystones. There can be more, so long as the total number remains odd.These tanks may imitate a natural landscape, with a common theme ofsimplicity and open space. There are limited colors in plants &stone, and the number of varying flora and fauna is kept to aminimum to create minimalism. Scale is very important in thisstyle. Powder-type substrate is used to create a sense of largerscale, and the father stone should be the largest object in theaquarium. Nano fish like the Neon Tetra are also used to maintainthe scale. -The Nature Aquarium This style is the one you’veprobably seen all over the Internet, in various forums, and winningtons of awards. And for good reason—they’re breathtaking tanks.These tanks seek to recreate various terrestrial landscapes—hills,mountains, valleys, and so on. These are further categorized intovarious substyles, like the ‘island’ type, which features a stone‘mountain’, or mound in the middle, or the triangular type, wherethe substrate and genearl flow the tank slopes down from one cornerof the tank. -The Walstad Method You’re not likely to find thisstyle winning any Aquascape designs awards, though it is a veryvisually appealing layout. That’s because the goal isn’tnecessarily winning beauty awards, but recreating a completelynatural situation. Where this differs from nature aquariums andbiotopes is its completely random placement of hardscape andplants. This is to simulate the way things are naturally in nature,instead of placing for optimal beauty. These tanks are most oftendeliberately low-maintenance, and are by design low budget tanks.They usually use potting soil and also require very few waterchanges, because of the plant density. There are more aquascapedesigns, and even more variances between each of these. it’s up toyou to decide what type of tank you enjoy. If you enjoy it, you’llmaintain it better and get more quality out of it, so choose whatyou’d like, and get started on your tank!
DIY Craft Ideas 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
DIY Crafts Ideas Anyone Can Do .You don't have to be a craftingexpert to create beautiful DIY crafts to dress up your home. Allyou need? An extra hour and a few simple supplies. trying to findDIY crafts for fall to keep you busy? Here are some fall craftideas that will have you crafting all season long; from DIYdecorations to easy DIY craft projects, you’re covered. Looking forDIY crafts for teens? we have compiled an awesome list of 50+ ofthe most gorgeous crafts for teens you can find. This cool listcontains jewelry making ideas, candle holders, mason jar crafts,wall art, fashion and so much more. These are clever and fun diyproject ideas perfectly suited for teens. These ideas are easy tomake and you can easily customize them to fit your personal taste.We have searched the web for the best and coolest ideas, so getready to try out these crafts for teens, easy to follow tutorialsand step by step instructions. So what are you waiting for? Enjoy!Whether you are new to crafting or have been doing it for a while,we have a treat for you. Teens have more fun crafts available thanever before. You can create cool stuff to decorate your room,homemade gifts for friends and family, things that simply make yourlife easier and even just items that will make you smile during theday. We’ve found you fabulous and fun teen girl crafts that you canmake. All can be made independently – unless you need Mom’s helpgetting started with crochet or something like that. Do remember toask your parents about home décor crafts. Most will be excited youare creating something but simply will want to know that you aredoing so. Some parents may want to supervise a little what you aredoing, because it is a home décor craft and they usually handle allDIY home projects (that’s just logical, not being super naggy).There’s a lot you can do with crafting. In just an hour or anafternoon, you can make something that will receive compliments andhave your brothers and sisters green with envy. Crafting also makesfor a fun party theme, whether it is birthday, sleepover or simplya get together with your BFFs. you can create your do it yourselfprojects. You can find inspiring diy crafts, arts, clothes,costumes, wall decor and other projects in our app. Download ourdiy crafts app now and enjoy it. These app will show you how tomake some cute stuff, which are so easy to make and look so sweet.These easy for making decorations are great idea if you want tomake something new for your home without spending money. Getinspired by these DIY ideas for ordinary household objects.
Modern Kebaya 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Hi ladies, fashion Image modern kebaya like what is in dreams? Atthis time the trend of fashion has undergone a revolution. As weknow, the kebaya is one of the customary fashion is loaded withphilosophical meaning of the kebaya area originated. Along with thegrowing fashion trend, kebaya experienced a transformation processthat had a daily fashion house transformed into a charming fashion.Now kebaya is not only synonymous with the clothes out of date, oldschool, but it has become a fashion kebaya worn all kalngan, bothformal event or non-formal events. Kebaya has also receivedattention and international recognition, it is evident, where manyfashion event featuring famous designers from around the world withthe theme kebaya. There are also many Hollywood celebrities who didnot hesitate to wear kebaya. Therefore, we as women Indonesiashould be proud of this. Here are some thumbnail hottest modernbaju kebaya is often shown by the designers.
Gardening Design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Gardening design ideas for you. You can save and share allgardening designs & decorating photos. This application showsyou the galleries of beautiful and impressive garden design ideasand decorations. If you have on idea about your garden, thisapplication can help you. This app. contains the various types ofgarden designs & decorating such as : - simple, small, modern,- balcony, terrace gardens - backyard, front yard, rock, vegetable- fairy, patio garden designs ideas - waterfall, ponds - flowers,mediterranean, pathway and more You can get a hundred ideas ofgardening design and decorating from this application. ApplicationFeatures: - A hundred pictures of garden design ideas - You cansave all pictures to sdcard (Screenshot). - You can share allimages to others. - You can set all pictures as wallpaper.
Minimalist Fence Design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
In building a house, a fence is animportantcomponent. Although today, most homes, especiallyminimalist stylehomes do not have a fence, but that does not meanthe placement ofthe fence is considered out of date. If in thepast, the materialof fencing is only limited to wooden fences,nowadays a lot offences popping up with different raw materials.Like a fence madeof iron, stone, cement, even marble. In additionto different typesof manufacture materials, the design of the fenceis alsoincreasingly diverse. This happens because of thedevelopment ofmore and more home design, so that the design of thefence wasadjusted to the house design.Open air Living arranging groups are likewiseexceptionallyknowledgeable in design fence and establishment. Weoffer a wideassortment of Minimalist Fence Designs continuouslycustom workedfor your specific terrace contingent upon your needs:standard highwood fence ideas to keep out undesirable spectators,Sliding halfbreed fences that can permit vehicle stockpiling, oryour morestandard gated sort architectural fence. In ourcontemporary woodfence styles, we utilize excellent red cedar woodcollected fromthe West of Canada which gives a standard securityinstrument intoa heavenly boundary protecting you into your ownreality.With our achieved group your front yard fence designs could beyourswith the most ideal materials accessible available. In thissettingconcerning the things that you ought to consider in pickingamoderate fence gate design is the fence ought to have a solidshapethat is not effectively eroded. At the season of thisartisticcreation is extremely imperative for you to give thecorrect shadingfor your cheap privacy fence ideas.Giving the correct hues can conform the shade of paint onthedividers of your home garden however more often than notforindividuals who have a house huge enough, they will pick theyardfence with the shading chestnut, yet in the event that youareexhausted with the shading chestnut, you can give alternate huesonthe fence you like white and green.Cutting edge Minimalist Fence Designs - Was searching for a ModelofModern moderate front yard fence? This is the photo and theprivacyfence designs ideas demonstrate as of now. One sectionmoderateHouse to know and to be made comparable to and seminimalisispresumably the house fence. The most recent moderate privacyfencedesigns show now is developing quickly. Moderate Housewithout adoubt must be joined with an assortment of knickknacksthat moderategate fence design in a moderate house. consider theshadingdetermination. It is prudent to pick or utilize iron fencedesignsthat make them thing in like manner with the shade of thehouse. Forinstance, such a moderate house building you have darkpaint –white, Then you ought to pick dark or backyard fence.Abstain from picking hues that look so stark difference tohomebuilding. for example, fabricating a house you have dim cocoa.Youutilize the splendid yard fencing. The principal thing istooriginate from the part of excellence when a House accompaniesamoderate Minimalist Fence Designs. Moderate house outfittedwiththe wood fence designs will give far more prominentmagnificencewhen contrasted and the House without front fence ideas. Ahorrendous parcel of moderate front fence as of now offersanassortment of magnificence structures the thought processandfurthermore a distinctive size contrast, which probably youlive,how does pick the most legitimate and fitting to yourpresentmoderate home.
Minimalist ceiling design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
When you want to change your home by using an attractive design,you can take advantage of all aspects of the house. You can takeadvantage of your wall by giving an attractive paint color orchoose a wallpaper with a unique motif to make the walls of thehouse do not look monotonous. You can also put a comfortable sofawith a color that matches the paint color of the wall or with thetheme of the house you want. You can also buy some paintings ordisplays, unique furniture and different from others. Then is thatall? Of course not! Most people may think the ceiling only servesas a roof buffer or as a connective wall with the roof of thehouse. Yes it is the main function of the ceiling, but if you are acreative, the home ceiling can also add to the beauty of your home.A total of 50+ images and modern minimalist ceiling design wepresent to you who are looking for Design or design of ceiling madefrom raw gypsum / gypsum. However, this design can also be used asa design for wooden ceilings or other materials according to yourneeds. Style and Design of a minimalist home is one of the designhouse that is currently the best-selling and most widely applied.Along with the passage of time, the land is so narrow, especiallyin urban areas with simple design and design minimalist, minimalistbut efficient. Efficient here means it does not take up a lot ofplaces and skew multi functions. For that, Minimalist CeilingDesign is very much sought to support the suitability of the designhouse to trigger a home to feel comfortable and elegant. The mostwidely used ceiling design today is a plain ceiling made of gypsummaterial. In addition to plain, this ceiling is very simple andclean impressed to fit for the elegant Minimalist Ceiling Designand raise the warm atmosphere inside the house. Ceiling is actuallyvery diverse, ranging from wooden ceilings are a lot of carvings,gypsum materials, plywood materials, materials and wood materials.For the design and minimalist design, the ceiling that is currentlywidely used is the ceiling which at the same time mengimbuhkanlighting for the room inside. The following kinds of materials canactually be used for the Minimalist Ceiling Design which iscertainly in accordance with the shape and design of the dwellingitself.
Doodle Art Design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Doodling is a great, fun way of expressing yourself. But it'softenunderrated as an art form. Yet doodle art can help you learnhow todraw and make a great addition to your design portfolio –ashighlighted by these brilliant examples. Combiningchild-likedoodles with expressive illustrations, they show howdoodling canbe used to create beautiful and arresting designs.Doodle art isyour chance to use your imagination and share yourdoodling skillswith the world. Then what is Doodle Art? Doodle Artis one style,technique, how to create drawings by way of crossingout, and looksabstract, where the doodle image itself is meaningfulthere is alsonot meaningful. This work usually has no clear andtrue shape butlooks unique and interesting. The doodle art designillustratesevery sense of the maker, it can be seen from everyresultingstroke that goes unnoticed by our mind. By making doodleart designalso able to make our heart quiet. By making it wholesoul andfeeling will produce more interesting work. Unique, andmeaningfuland it makes doodle work not just for style alone.Inspiration isone of the keys to create Doodle Art Design forbeginners or aprofessional. So start creating inspiration from yoursoul andmind. To do it is not as complicated as you think. Just useanevent, action, feeling, or whatever is in your neighborhood to beawork of Doodle Art. And even a good idea sometimes comes outofnowhere when you're quiet or doing something.
Wall Photo Design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Photos with your family are something we all cherish and wouldliketo keep near us all the time. What do you do when you wanttofollow that rule but also have a creative decor? Well, you takeoneof the clever ideas for displaying family pictures we supplyyouwith! There are lots of different ways you can do this. Opt forthelarger sizes of pictures if you like the quality of the photoandlook for an impactful effect. Choose to hang a few of them onastring with clothespins to have a free and simple ambiance.Mixthem with prints of inspirational words or quotes. See? Therearesolutions available for any taste and personality. Browsethroughthe collection offered in the following gallery and makeyourfamily pictures display the best in the neighborhood. An emptywallis like a blank canvas. There are so many amazing ways todecorateit and tell a story and one of the most popular techniquesiscreating a gallery wall. There are endless ways to arrangepictureson your wall. Creating an eye-catching gallery wall usingdifferentsized frames or incorporating your favorite artwork into awallcollage can quickly become challenging. Whether you are lookingforsome picture hanging ideas for your wedding photos, a smallphotowall in your living room or gallery walls of your favoriteartwork,our guide has you covered. Tell a story with your photosand turnyour empty wall into a work of art.
The Latest Wedding Decorations 3.0
Jack Soeharyo
Everyone would want to have a luxurious and modern weddingparty.But all that is not easy, because the cost of modernweddingdecoration but luxurious is not small. The decoration mustbe largeand the stage must also be large to add modern andluxurious value.Usually a modern and luxurious wedding party ismostly in a grandbuilding. Making luxurious wedding decorations isnot easy becauseit has to apply large curtains, cathering largeamounts of food,stage for brides, wide carpets. So decorate aluxurious weddingshould cost a lot. But of course for those of youwho have preparedyour wedding perfectly with the concept of luxuryshould you choosethe right wedding decorations according to yourwishes. Everyonewould expect a marriage, with a view to havingchildren fromgeneration to generation. Modern wedding decorationsare veryimportant for weddings, so that guests are happy withthecomfortable atmosphere. Decorating a modern wedding can bedonesimply but very cool and elegant. No need to spend a lot inorderto have a luxurious wedding decoration atmosphere, quitesimply andcool can give your wedding party a cool and eleganteffect. Here isan example of a modern yet simple wedding decorationimage that youcan apply at weddings. At the wedding party should bemade with thebest possible so that the guests who come will feelcomfortablewhen visiting. Many benefits that can be taken from thedecor ofmodern wedding, for the decoration has an elegant andclassynature, making guests invited fascinated with the atmosphereofmodern decoration etc. In designing a wedding decoration toyourliking, the first thing to do is to choose your weddingtheme,especially wedding decorations. Do you want decoration thatisinternational, traditional, or a combination of both. Inadditionto the theme, the dominant color in the decor must beconsideredbefore you meet the decoration services. Oh yes do notforget alsoto tell the color of wedding dress, for decorationservices canmake decoration match with the wedding dress. Decidealso whetheryour wedding party will be held indoors inside thebuilding oroutside the building aka outdoor. If you choose anindoor wedding,then note the high ceiling of the room so that itcan be matchedwith a minimalist and classical wedding decorationsat yourwedding. But if your choice is outdoor, you shouldanticipateeverything related to the weather. You certainly do notwant yourinvited guests to disperse in the middle of the showbecause therain fell suddenly? After you decide the theme andwedding venue,you can choose decorator for wedding that tapt foryou whichaccording to your budget. You can also discuss with himabout theselection of wedding decorations for the aisle, where toeat,standing flower, and so forth. Determination of weddingdecorationmust be started from the preparation of the budget, thesize of thevenue, the number of invited guests, and then thedeepening themeof decoration. But first, what are your favoritecolors together?Each decorator has their own unique style oruniqueness. If youalready have dreams of marriage that want to berealized and budgetis also sufficient, then you should find adecorator that has theappropriate style. Selection of weddingdecoration in accordancewith the theme of decoration, of course,will facilitatecommunication and consultation during the weddingpreparationprocess. Hopefully this apps can be useful for users.
Japstyle Modifications Design 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Just like fashion, the world of motor modifications also continuetoexperience growth. Various styles of modifications applied tothebiker to change the shape, design, even the engine capacity tomakethe motor look more cool and in accordance with the wishes oftheowner. One style of modification is quite prevalent adoptedbikerhomeland in 2015 ago is Jap style. Jap style is one of themotormodification style that influenced motor sport from Japan inthe1970s. With a unique style and classic impression, make Japstylefavored biker to string favorite motorcycle. Jap style itselfisdivided into five sub-streams, namely speed bobber, speedchopper,cafe racer, street tracker, and choppy cub. To modify Japstyle,there are some basic methods that can be applied: -Do a newcustommotor frame in accordance with Jap style that will be usedtoreplace the frame of the motor. -The average Jap style motorusesthe same type of tire as the trail bike, ie off-road tireswithjagged surfaces. As for the wheels, use the radius of radiusthatfits with a large and serrated tire models. -For mainlights,usually use a form of minimalist round light. While thelightssein, small round-shaped. Because it comes from Japan, themotorused by the local builder to realize this flow is mostlyJapanesemanufacturer's output motors and all motor bulls that havebonechassis and iron roll.
Hair Dye Ideas 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
The Application Is Completely Free Check out 50+ Images ofHairColor Ideas Smoking-Hot Photos of Gray Ombré Hair That Loveyourgrays. The Most Stunning Rainbow, Red, Blue, Light Brown,Brunette& Brown Hairstyles. These sexy stars prove that brownhair isanything but boring. The Best Ombré Hair Looks of All Timeany timeBeautiful. Most likely to be on lifestyle AndroidApplication whichtell the ground/basic rules of which skin typesgoes with whichhair color. 50+ Hair color ideas are not stand alonethoughts andneed to be combined with your skin tone, your height,figure, bodyshape, face cut and personality to give you the rightand perfectmatch. Don't bother to read too many of these as eachone of themis likely to have their own version of hair colorpalette! Once youhave short-listed a range of hair color options,try looking forpictures of people with similar coloring and howthey would look init. Many salons have sophisticated software whichhelps conjure upan image of you with the hair color and it might beworth the moneyyou spend on it. With all of the cool technicolorhair we’respotting on celebrities, Pinterest and Instagram thisyear, brownand blonde almost seem like radical choices. But whetheryou’reready to taste the rainbow or just want to enhance yournaturalcolor, there’s never been a better time to dive in and dyeit. Letyour true colors shine through, whether those colors arewhimsicalMy Little Pony pastels, lustrous rose gold, sun-kissedhighlightsor rusty red. These cool hair color ideas are guaranteedto giveyou a fresh look for 2017, including a few that we’re sureyou’venever seen before. (These aren’t just 50+ different versionsofombre, we swear.) So, click through to find your next hairmakeoverinspiration.
Mural Art Design .0
Jack Soeharyo
Here are a few of our favorite looks, filled withuniqueinstallations and trendy styles. The best thing about using amuralis it allows you to create a space that celebrates you and allyourinterests. Whatever your passion, Murals can help yourpersonalityshine throughout your home. The wallpaper and wall muraltoday areintegral part of almost every contemporary home. With thewallpaperyou can enter a playfulness and optimism in the home, andsincethere are several ways of their placing, it becomesmoreinteresting and better. Many will set a wallpaper on all wallsofthe entire room. But it is possible to put wallpaper on onlyonewall of the room, especially if it is a more vivid pattern. Ifyourfurniture is with dark colors colorful designs, the wallpaperorwall mural should be colored with discrete motifs andlightershades, as space would not be too flashy or would notlookovercrowded. If everything in the space, from curtains,furniture,carpet and the color of the walls, is in light colors,then you canchoose the design and color of the wallpaper accordingto yourdesires. In this case, you have a wide choice. The wallpapercan bein line or contrast with the colors in the room. It should beeasyto maintain – washable, with stable colors and its base shouldbemade of fils instead of paper. Our advice is don’t choosepapermurals and wall papers, because they are impractical and canbeeasily damaged. Check out the following collection and you willseesome creative ideas for decorating your living room withsomerefreshing wall murals. A mural's impact can create both agrandsense of theatre and dramatically alter the sensation of aroom'sspatial proportions. In the fairly recent history of muraldesign(the last few centuries rather than millennia) the trend hasbeento apply these wall paintings to paper, vastly increasingtheirversatility. It is important to always be open to the thingsaroundyou, because inspiration can come from anywhere and anythingaroundyou. So in this post i'll showcase 80 inspiring wall muraldesignsto feed your design inspiration. Alternative, trendy, andedgy,Urban Street art is one of the most vibrant and exciting WallMuralideas for your bedroom, loft, office or basement. It has someofthe most amazing and innovative colour combinations you willeversee!
Tutorial Drawing Anime 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
After reading the manga or watching anime it certainly flashedadesire to draw our favorite characters. But how do we realizeourimagination? Take a quick guide on how to draw manga with thisapp.How to draw step by step for beginners including our bodies,madeof simple geometry shapes like cubes, cones, cylinders, andballs.Many books and tutorials jump the learner right into drawinganimestyle. However, it is important for anyone learning to drawtostart with the basic concept. Although anime is an artcartoonstyle, there are some elements that are rooted in reality.Comicartists tend to exaggerate just about everything. As step bystepdrawing flowers and also step by step drawing animals, onemustfirst learn how to draw properly before making a pop or maketheircharacters seem bigger than life. What makes this stylesoenjoyable is that it shows life and energy in how the imageisdisplayed. Much of what you see is almost as if it came fromphotosor magazines that turned into anime with some redundant adds.Learnthe basics - Anatomy It goes without saying that we all havetolearn to walk before we can walk. It's common to see beginnercomicbooks and amateur work posted on sites that have anatomicalissuesand proportions. Anatomy is an area where all artists mustcontinueto sharpen and improve. Both the anatomy makes the imagemoretrustworthy and acceptable to the eye. Drawing Manga andAnimethere are some things that need first. A positive attitude, asharppencil, a big eraser, and some inspiration are includedhere.American comic artists do this all the time. Starting withtheconcept of true anatomy allows them to move beyond theslightestframework to make the characters more interesting,dramatic andlarger than life. It's easy to see why it's so popular.We followthis by teaching you how to draw an eye, how to draw anose, how todraw an ear, how to draw a hair, how to draw a face,and how todraw a step by step. What to do first? The manga artisthas juststarted to learn how to draw anime tutorials step bystep,Japanese-style animations that have become increasinglypopularover the past few years, are easier than you think.Animetelevision shows simple shapes to learn how to drawanimetutorials. He created many popular works using this methodbeforedeveloping his own unique style that has now become veryfamous.
Dollhouse Ideas 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
An important part of planning the details of your dollhouseisimagination. A dollhouse is a dream of every little (and grownup)girl. The fanciest of all toys, a dollhouse is something thateverygirl would play with for hours. One of the easiest dollhouseideasif you want to build one by yourself is to use old drawers orwallshelves. You do not necessarily have to start from zero orspend afortune on materials. Use the drawers as a basis. Make aquick testwhether the favorite dolls of your little girl will fitin there.Sand the drawers thoroughly with sandpaper and color themindifferent bright colors. You can make a roof from two woodenslats,or leave the house open. Buy colorful paper or get oldwallpaperremnants and decorate the walls of the dollhouse with it.The morecolorful, the better! Your little princess will bedelighted byfloral designs and tender lilac, pink and white colorcombinationsare always a winner! It is not enough if you build adollhouse byyourself. It needs an appropriate decoration so that itlooksattractive and draws the attention to itself. In theinspiringdollhouse ideas below you will see how to arrange thedifferentrooms – living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and even abalcony.Now you have found a fantastic project for rainy days. Youcanspend quality time with the child, read fairy tales orplay.Organize a children’s party with fresh drinks and playingwithdolls, so your daughter can present the dollhouse proudly.Becreative! If you haven’t got enough time for a craft projectlikethat, you can use cardboard for the construction or organizeadollhouse in an old suitcase!
Drawing Animals Step by Step 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
In this application I would share the tutorial to learn drawingforchildren. Drawing is an activity poured imagination, expressionandemotion into a visual form such as scratches resulting fromthedrawing tools. Children usually likes to imagine afterseeingsomething interesting around it and the imagination can bepouredthrough the process of drawing. Drawing is a fun activityforchildren. Through drawing, they can pour a variety ofimaginationin their heads. The images they produce could alsoindicate thelevel of creativity and mood of each child. Animalsdrawingtutorials and drawing lessons for kids of all ages. You candrawnice drawings by following our short easy directions.Drawingactivity also has benefits for the child's development.Drawingbenefits for children are : 1. As Expression Media 2.RepresentsMedia Therapy 3. Train your child Hold the pencil 4.TrainCapability Coordination 5. Develop Motor Ability
DIY Hairstyles and Accessories 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
You'll have so much fun making DIY Hairstyles and Accessorieswhenyou see how easy they are to make. There are a lot of webpagesabout how to make DIY Hairstyles and Accessories, but many ofthemdon't have instructions on how to make the particularaccessory, beit a hair bow, a hair clip or a headband. I'vegathered together anice group of DIY Hairstyles and Accessoryprojects, that you canmake, which include a nice picture where youcan get instructionsfor making the hair accessory. It is amazing tome how manydifferent and unique ways there are to make hair bows. Idid noticethat so many of the bow ideas could be changed slightlyso the itemcould be used to make a hair clip or a headband also. Iguess thatis what crafting is really all about taking an idea andmaking itwork for a particular need we have. There’s something foreveryonein this collection of DIY hairstyles and accessories, fromfabricheadbands to flower bobby pins, you’ll go wild for them! Seeforyourself.
DIY Room Decor 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Every girl and teen girl wants their room to look pictureperfect.It can be challenging – as some girls and teens getinspired tochange their room decor regularly and parents find ithard to keepup. That’s why home decor crafts are ideal to keep atyourfingertips. Some are ones that girls and teens can do on theirown.Others are ones that would require parental (adult)supervision.But all of them are a terrific way to make any girl’sroom lookmore pretty and “picture perfect” while sticking to abudget. We’vefound you 50+ fun room decor crafts. The biggestchallenge may bepicking just a few to get started with! Happy RoomDesigning foryou teenager! Looking for some creative DIY crafts andideas tomake your bedroom decor awesome? This fun list of DIYroomdecorating ideas for teens has a little of everything –lighting,wall art, curtains, accessories and more. With a few ofthese easyDIY projects for teens, your bedroom will quickly go fromblah andboring to fun and colorful! These DIY room decor ideas areeasy tomake and can be customized to fit your taste andpersonality! Getinspired with these cool crafts for teens and startmaking your DIYbedroom ideas a reality.
Coffee Shop Interior 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
For coffee lovers, smelling scents and sipping hot coffee isthemost soothing moment. In addition to giving a sweet tastemixedwith bitter, this drink can also be a glue of arelationship.Business relationship is one of them. Not only that,coffee shopsare also often used as a compulsory meeting pointreunion oldfriends, or just doing the work and reading a favoritebook.Interior design that gives the impression of comfort, as wellasthe strains of jazz music that fills the room, clearly givestheimpression of the life of the metropolis that all instant.Forthose of you who want to open a coffee shop of course this isnotas easy as brewing coffee into the cup. Because coffee shop isabusiness that has many aspects that must be considered.Sosuccessful cafes are not based on mere capital. Before you openacoffee shop, it's worth listening to this apps which willcertainlyhelp you consider things before plunging into a promisingworld. Inthe present era there are no cafes that stand without aconcept.Therefore, before starting this business, you also have tothinkabout what concept will be brought by your coffee shop. Iftheconcept has been formed, of course, will make it easier for youtomake the interior and also view the target market. Awell-formedconcept will help how the interior will wake up later.Because acoffee shop certainly favor the comfort of an attractiveandcomfortable interior is also needed. Everything will beeasilyrealized if you already have a clear concept. If the conceptisreally mature, then you should think about the interior thatfityour cafe concept. The interior should be comfortable andmakecustomers feel at home while enjoying food and drinks. Noticetheselection of tables and chairs, lighting and also the color oftheroom. Because all these elements help make your coffee outlet tobecomfortable. The attractive and comfortable interior memamg isanimportant factor. But never forget the importance of theexteriorof a coffee shop. Why? Because the attractive exterior isthe firstfactor people see. Unique exterior will attract people toenterbecause of the curiosity he has. So it is advisable to createanexterior that can provoke people's curiosity towards your cafe.
Latest Fashion Hijab 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Various creations of hijab combined with Muslim fashion is nowverydeveloped, especially in Southeast Asia. Hijab is now afashionicon itself and not inferior to other fashion trends. Inadditionto meeting the religious shari'a, hijab can also be moreattractiveand fashionable. The number of hijabers makes the trendof usinghijab increasingly popular, with its own charm. Hijaber inAsiaitself many wearing the latest fashion hijab model and combineitwith a fashionable and elegant Muslim fashion. The current trendofhijab models leads to a simple, modern and elegant look. Thenumberof fashionable Muslim clothes model today can be used asareference to fashionable and trendy Muslim dress. For youMuslimwomen who want to look fashionable with hijab, here are avarietyof different models of the latest hijab clothes thathopefullyinspire.
Pattern of Modern Fashion Brackets .0
Jack Soeharyo
The latest fashion clothing following fashion is very prettyandluxurious. How to make the pattern of modern brackets simpleandfree with complete sample picture and size. In thisapplicationillustrates the pattern of contemporary Malay clothing.Usingmaterials and tools, sketch outfits of fabric, size,pattern,cutting and tailoring so that clothing can be usedcomfortably asneeded. Modern fashion shirts include one of theclothes that willbe popular this year. The design is so beautifulthat it makessomeone look elegant. Moreover, this type of dress isvery flexiblebecause it can be used for various events frominformal to formalevents. For those of you who can sew, you canfind the best patternof modern bracelets. By making your own modernfashion shirt, youcan adjust to your taste. The following trendyfashion trends willmake you look beautiful, elegant and luxurious.Picture of brocadebracket pattern, baju kurung pahang pattern andriau kurung shirtpattern. The simple 2018 design of a simplefashion bracket is oneof the most sought after designs. This dresspattern is simple, sonot too difficult for a tailor or you who arelearning to sew. Thesimple design of this bracket can be producedby first measuringthe body of the person to be created. Startingfrom the body up tobe measured in detail. One of the easiestpatterns is to make thesides of his arm the same size from theshoulder to the handcircumference. The pattern of modern fashionbrackets can also becombined with brocade or lace so that themodern bracelet looksstylish. The simplest concept to make modernmodern bracelets is toprovide additional brocade on the front ofthe shirt, especially onthe neck to the abdomen. If using thispattern, try to sew abrocade neatly to look good quality clothingshop-made. Modernbrackets can be made of various kinds. One of themis the latestpattern of modern bracket. In 2018, baju kurungpredicted willexperience rapid development starting from theincreasing number ofbuyers to the design. One of the best that canbe selected is amodern bracket shirt with a mermaid style skirtdesign. Modernbrackets are not only suitable for religious events.This outfitcan be worn at your special occasion such as holidays,parties, orbirthdays. With the right shirt pattern, you can lookbeautiful inyour special moments.
Knitting Pattern 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Looking for some free knitting patterns? You've come to therightplace. Here's an categorized collection of free patternscoveringeverything from hats, scarfs and mittens to sweaters,afghans, babyand toddler clothes, as well as pet toys and festiveholiday knits.Browse through the pattern categories below and finda project foryour needles. If you’re looking for beautiful designsthat aren’tavailable in the shops, you’ve found the right place. Weare luckyenough to have a collection of stunning patterns forclothing, hometextiles and accessories lovingly created by some ofthe mosttalented independent designers around. Find inspiration inourcollection of free knitting patterns. Experiment with textureandcolour in a range of jumpers, accessories, clothes for kidsandtoys: there’s something for every knitter, whether you’reabeginner, intermediate or advanced. Perfect for giftideas.Knitting patterns is a simple, yet useful app for the peoplewhoare interested in crochet and knitting. The app is totally freeandis allowed for download in all countries. By using ourknittingpatterns app, you can get inspired about knitting. Thesepatternswere composed by ordinary crochet lovers and presented toyou inthis app. You can try them or compose your own patterns afterbeinginspired by them.
Cake Decorating Ideas 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
Dress up your birthday or holiday cake with these easydecoratingideas. Some fancy up the outside of the cake withfrosting, candyor fruit, while others use simple layering tricks tomake theinside shine. We know that cake isn’t the easiest thing tobake inyour kitchen. Failure awaits you at every turn of cakebaking. Itcould refuse to rise, bake lopsided, burn, crumble,crack,explode... the list goes on and on. But, if you know howtodecorate a cake, you can hide all of those failures under alayerof sugar, butter and fun (except maybe the burned ones). Whilecakedecorating has the reputation of being more than a littletricky,we’ve got 50+ cake decorating ideas that are stupidly easyand yetstill look impressive. So take out your frosting, findthesprinkles and get to work hiding all the flaws in your sadexcusefor a cake. Once decorated, it will taste just as sweet asanyother cake out there. Impress your guests with easy cakedecoratingideas that go from fab frosting tricks to lusciouslystackedlayers. These genius hacks take the cake for best decoratingideasof all time. Here are favorite easy birthday cake decoratingideasthat look hard, but simple enough that anyone (including you)cando them. This is exactly is why i've put together 50+ cakesthattotally adorable and will make you look like a birthday goddes.
Phone Case Ideas 1.0
Jack Soeharyo
The emergence of various types of smartphones today offset byagrowing number of complementary accessories advent ofsmartphones,one case is often called the casing. Casing includesaccessoriesthat many functions, can be used as a protective cellphone fromscratches, bumps and dust, can also be used as supportingmobilephone display. Kind was also very diverse. Choosing asuitablecasing for your phone, of course, you have to knowbeforehand thetypes and their uses, so that casing that you chooseaccording toyour smartphone and your needs. The types of casingsfor mobilephones: - Hard case Hard case is kind of hard casing andis usuallymade of a hard material such as aluminum and plasticfiber. With ahard texture and appearance somewhat shiny, kind ofcasing hp thisone will make your mobile phone will look more solidand elegant.In addition, the hard case can also protect yoursmartphone frombumps and also make make smartphones do not heatquickly because itis absorbing heat. But the drawback, hard casevulnerable to crackand break when exposed to loud banging likefalling to the floor. -Soft case If your smartphone requires moreprotection, soft casecould be the most appropriate choice. Mobilephone casing which oneis classified as a type of casing that mostinterest today, becauseit is made of a material that software suchas rubber, silicone andfoam covered with cloth or leather, softcase has an excellentability to withstand collisions with absorbimpact them. Inaddition, the material is also very comfortabletouch and notslippery, so you will be more comfortable when using asmartphone.- Flip cover Flip cover is a type of mobile phone casingthatcovers the back once the front so that it can also act asaprotective screen. The front is made of leather or fabricfoaming,while the back is made of plastic fiber. Kind diverse,there is thewhole front is closed, there is also equipped with awindow at thefront of the case making it easier for you to look atthe clock andalso see incoming phone calls, without having to openthe front.This application provides the latest mobile phone designand uniqueprotector. Allows you to be different by design that weprovide.May be useful